28 Aug

It's that time of year again when the days get shorter and the yellow buses cruise down our neighborhood streets to signal the start of a new school year. Your kids have (hopefully!) finished up their summer reading in time for the first day, but have you started YOUR homework? 

Believe it or not, being a parent comes with assignments, too. 

To ensure that your little ones are cared for by the people you love in the way that you choose, it's absolutely essential to DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Make an appointment with your Estate Planning Attorney who focuses on families with minor children to help guide you. You'll learn the importance of having a Will, Trust, Health Care Proxy, Durable Power of Attorney, Long Term Guardianship Appointment, and Short Term Guardianship Appointment. Without these essential pieces, your family may be vulnerable to the circumstances that life throws at us. 

Practice what you preach to your budding students - don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 

Give us a call at (781) 381-5287 or email us at info@MulhallWithrow.com to schedule your initial consultation today!